Meet Xander Casey

Xander and his family are based just outside London in leafy Surrey. He has been a professional photographer for over ten years, initially photographing portraits and weddings then bringing all his skills to the world of schools marketing.

Before embarking on a career in photography and filmmaking he worked in marketing for a multinational company. He has a post-graduate degree in marketing, and is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) too. He is therefore uniquely qualified to talk your language – in both photography and marketing terms.

Xander is fully DBS checked and has both public liability and professional indemnity insurance.

He’s been married to Kate for 21 years and has two troublesome teenagers of his own at home too (who both just happen to be perfect!). This has been excellent training on how to photograph children and what it takes to capture that split-second moment in time.

When he’s not photographing, filming or rushing around after his kids you will probably find him eating cake, meeting up with friends and experimenting (badly) with cocktails… preferably all at the same time.

Most famous person you've photographed?
Tom Cruise. For the time I had with him he made me feel like the most important person on the planet, which was both impressive and humbling at the same time. A skill I have shamelessly stolen and repackaged as my own ever since.
Drink of Choice?
Maple Syrup. I would happily swig it from the bottle, but pretty sure my kids would frown at me. My next favourite would be a Margarita. I once did a cocktail photoshoot at The Ritz and the barman showed me how to make the perfect one. It has agave syrup in it btw. You’re welcome.
Advice You Wish Someone Had Told You Sooner?
Converse All Stars are not the right shoes for London Marathon training.
Best Band?
Basement Jaxx, or Groove Armada, you can choose. Gigs are just the best, been to tons of Glastonbury’s - more please.
Holiday Read?
Anything by Douglas Coupland. Hurry up and write some more please [drumming fingers on table]. I have a signed book of his… but it’s signed by Michael Stipe of REM. Long story.
Best Photography Quote?
“Great photography is about depth of feeling, not depth of field.” Peter Adams.
Jaffa cakes! Or, for special occasions, macaroons. We are big macaroon fans in our house, the best ever were mango ones that I once got given by Claridge’s. They’ve become legendary.
Best Subject At School?
Photography obviously. I’m dyslexic, so the ones that didn’t require too much writing. Thank goobness for spell-check nowadays.
Fun Fact:
I can quote almost all of Disney’s Beauty & The Beast. Once when my daughter Cici was ill she wanted to watch it back to back for 2 days straight. So we did.
Best Holiday?
Nepal. No, wait – Ibiza. Possibly Fiji? Maybe Italy. How many am I allowed again?
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